"Optimization of Regulatory Control Systems"
Over the last three decades we have built up a large portfolio of clients encompassing every type of process control facility utilizing almost every type of DCS and PLC control system. In every single case we have been able to improve the performance of control systems. Our highly-trained trouble-shooting engineers follow a field proven methodology to test, trouble-shoot tune, and optimize the regulatory control systems on-line with almost no interruption to production.
Process plants around the world are feeling competitive pressures with escalating demand for higher quality products at lower costs. Managements have invested greatly in the most modern control systems and have to often assume that these investments would lead to better control. In reality, simply purchasing cutting-edge control systems, packed with the latest advanced software, does not guarantee good control.
The ability of vendors to provide offsite assistance with DCS installation and configuration problems has also provided them with a huge data base of information on their installed systems. One of the major DCS vendors reported at a conference that 25.2% of the installed controller still had the default tuning (Gain =1, and Integral = 0.1 repeats per minute) and another 41.6% still had the startup tuning (recommended startup tuning based on loop type). Thus 66.8% of all the loops had never been tuned to following startup.
In testing tens of thousands of control loops we have found:
We offer state of the art solutions that can eliminate these problems and optimize the efficiency of your control system, while providing you a solid return on investment. The Techmation Inc. on-site services are the most comprehensive “real world” regulatory control system optimization services available.